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lefa gold mine guinea

Major Mines Projects Lefa Mine
Lefa is one of the largest gold producer in the Guinea. The Lefa mine is a multi-deposit modern open pit operation which focuses on the development of two main open pits, 2022年8月24日 The power plant enables us to both decrease greenhouse gas emissions and provide sustainable power generation for our Lefa mine, supporting potential Nordgold Launches New Power Plant at its Lefa Gold Mine in GuineaThe Lefa mine is a Guinean gold mine. It is one of the world's largest. The mine is located in the center of the country, in Faranah Region. The mine has estimated reserves of 7.78 million oz of gold and is operated by Nordgold. On 7 March 2023, Russia said it was working with local authorities to settle a labor dispute that had hit output at the mine. Lefa mine - Wikipedia

Mining commences at new Lefa gold mine deposit in Guinea
2021年8月13日 Nordgold, the internationally diversified gold producer, recently announced that its Lefa mine team have started mining at the new satellite Diguili deposit in the 2021年8月6日 Russian gold producer Nordgold has begun mining at a satellite deposit by its Lefa gold mine in Guinea, which will boost production at the operation.Nordgold begins mining at Lefa's satellite deposit2022年8月24日 Gold producer Nordgold has launched a new 33 MW power plant at its Lefa gold mine, in Guinea. The $30-million project was designed and built by Chinese Nordgold launches 33 MW power plant at Guinea mine - Mining

Nordgold’s Lefa mine helps to improve access to drinking water
2022年6月22日 As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, and in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation for all), 2022年8月26日 Nordgold Group, an internationally diversified gold producer, has launched a new 33 MW power plant at its Lefa mine – one of the largest gold mines in Guinea. The Nordgold launches new power plant at its Lefa Gold MineJoining Lefa Gold Mine, the biggest African mineral reserve of Nordgold, means taking part in an exciting gold mining journey together with the team of multinational professionals and seizing the opportunity to quickly grow LEFA (Guinea) - nordgoldjobs
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